Zizan Razak Trains Motocross with Pengejar Impian Cub Prix riders

Zizan Razak Trains Motocross with Pengejar Impian Cub Prix riders

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IMAGE 1: Zizan I’m Ready

As riders, we all dream of being fast on track and becoming champions. Riders need to be light and strong, with good strength of the upper body, shoulder and arms, hand grip and legs. It boils down to strength, power, endurance and most importantly, skills. Zizan had been here in Most Fun Gym @ MFG, a place where riders can get their adrenaline pumping with motocross. Their tagline “Learn Off-Road, Master All Roads” welcomes all walks of life regardless of skill level and age to try it out.

The Three Champions

Afif, Haziq, AkidIMAGE 2: From Right to Left: Afif, Haziq, Akid

Yes, they are dressed like this under the baking hot sun, and accordingly, it is a must for safety reasons. Even if it’s just a bike ride to the local market.

Ahmad Afif Amran from Dungun, Terengganu, is the standing CP150 “King of Circuit” for 2018 & 2019 Cub Prix Malaysia Petronas championship. Afif has been dabbling in motors since young. His father bought him a pocket bike seeing his interest in motors and until to-date he has never stopped chasing his dreams as a rider.

Haziq Fairues from Klang, won the Yamaha Rookie Race in 2015. Nicknamed “Snake” not only because he is born in the year of snake, but his infamous slithering and attack speed in the track. To him the most important is putting oneself as a benchmark, and to keep impoving himself during his journey.

Akid is the CP115 2016 & 2017 Champion. He may be quiet and shy to those that are not close to him, but he is a “Silent Hunter”, quiet yet dangerously skilled in the track. Never one to give up, he is willing to put everything on the table to succeed.

Training 1: Brake Handling

Brake handlingIMAGE 3: Can you see what he did wrong here?

Akid briefs Zizan on brake handling. There are 3 conditions on a good braking, first the rider’s body needs to be straight, secondly, the front tyre shouldn’t be locked, and lastly the rear tyre must not be lifted. Zizan wasn’t able to get it right the first time, but check out the video to see him doing it correctly.

Braking is the first skill to master. One of the most common mistakes with beginner riders is not using the brake properly. The front brake has more power but the rear brake is equally important to maximize braking control and effectiveness.

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Training 2: Throttle Control

Haziq's turn to brief Zizan on revving up the machineIMAGE 4: Not as easy as it seems

It’s Haziq’s turn to brief Zizan on revving up the machine. When accelerating, he must not spin the tyre and the front end of the bike must stay on the ground with no lifting.

The lift, also known as “wheelie” is due to the unbalance of the torques acting on the rear wheel. The front wheel lifts easily when starting to move and it is considered a fault in the beginning of a race. This must be the hardest challenge for Zizan, as he needs a few tries to keep the bike grounded.

Training 3: Cornering Control

How not to cornerIMAGE 5: How not to corner

For the motorcycle to corner predictably and smoothly, the suspension must be stable and in the middle of its travel. Our standing champion Ahmad Afif advised Zizan to steady the throttle and no sudden brake for a smooth, gradual acceleration throughout the curve. Using steady throttle in corners is important because changes in speed and drive force upsets the arc stability, resulting in a wobbly or weaving line. Zizan did manage to corner nicely at his second try.

Watch Zizan’s Trial And Error

All in a day, Zizan managed to impress our Pengejar Impian Petronas Cub Prix Professional Riders with his beginner skills. Cub Prix fans, watch out for our champion riders this season. We wish them success and to our riders, happy riding.

#PengejarImpian is a campaign to inspire the talented younger generation of our future. This campaign hopes to inspire all individuals to succeed and own their dreams no matter the field they are in. Watch our #PengejarImpian PETRONAS champions here and how their spirit brought some to world recognition.

Together we support our Malaysia riders! #PETRONAS #PENGEJARIMPIAN



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